All BMX Bikes
Shop NowFreestyle
Since the first days of Freestyle GT has been in the parking lots or on the deck ready to drop in. From the creation of the legendary Performer line to the products of today the GT Team is a part of development ensuring we create the goods riders need to express themselves weather their focus is competition, stacking clips for their next video part or simply out at the trails or in the streets chasing the feeling only Freestyle can give you.
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Big Wheel
Heritage inspired and contemporary twists, GTs Big Wheel BMX bikes are designed for bikelife. By blending BMX style and durability with urban usability we developed a range of bikes that are perfect for anyone wanting a solid ride for cruising, commuting, sending, or socializing… and to look good while doing it!
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For more than five decades GT has led the way out of the gate and into the first straight leaving a trail of podiums and legends in its wake. Our race roots coupled with feedback from elite and novice riders has allowed us to develop and build bikes for riders of all ages and skill levels dreaming of the top step.
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